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If you have a computer or mobile phone, you can order and manage your vehicle anytime, anywhere!
We will take detailed photos of the condition of the vehicle to HUBNET.
We could solve these problems!
For choosing smart plan (NZ / AUS). It will take some pictures.
For choosing light plam (besides NZ / AUS). It will take some pictures.
We could transport vehicles from auction house to our yard.
In addition, we will also handle pick-up from other location.
What is light work? What kind of works we do?
We could work according to your request!
For example …
What kind of repairing we do?
We could repair it according to your request!
For example …
More than expected
(Excellent & Good) 82%
More than expected
(Excellent & Good) 85%
More than expected
(Excellent & Good) 91%
More than expected
(Excellent & Good) 90%
More than expected
(Excellent & Good) 87%
Yes 96%
Many clients considers it is convenient photography,
domestic land transportation, and marine insurance. 56%